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Important Questions

#54 Why Didn't Jesus Write?

While we can only speculate, it's likely that Jesus didn't write because His mission was to build up faithful disciples who would become His witnesses to the rest of the world.

#52 What is Relativism?

The view that truth is determined relative to the subject.

#50 Isn't God narcissistic for demanding worship?

No. It would only be narcissistic for someone who is not God. But as a morally perfect being, God is the only person worthy of worship.

#48 What does it mean to be image bearers of God?

All human beings are created in the image of God, which means they possess a soul accompanied with rationality, consciousness, volition, and a sense for moral and aesthetic value. 

#46 Define Skeptical Theism

A somewhat misleading name, skeptical theism is the philosophical view that we should remain skeptical about our ability to know the exact reason(s) God has for His actions and His refraining from certain actions

#44 Why aren't there resurrection appearances of Christ today?

Because the point of the resurrection appearances was not to try to convert or convince any given person. Instead, the point was to establish the apostolic testimony that Christ had indeed risen from the grave. Today, we have all the testimony necessary for belief the resurrection. 

#42 Why did Christ have to be truly human?

To become our holy mediator before God, to fulfill the law by living a perfect life, to resist temptation, to make atonement for our sin and defeat death by physically dying and bodily rising from the dead (Heb 2:14-18)--none of which we could do for ourselves. Hence, the efficacy of redemption depends on the humanity of Christ. 

#40 Define Hermeneutics

The proper method for interpreting Scripture consisting of various literary and historical contexts.

#38 Will people in heaven get bored?

No. Receiving eternal life means sharing in the experience of the perfect inner trinitarian life of God; it means ultimate fulfillment. 

#36 What is the Doctrine of Divine Election?

Divine election is the view that God has chosen a people--namely, the body of Christ--for eternal blessings. 

#34 Define the Ontological Trinity

The ontological or immanent Trinity is a purely intellectual distinction that articulates the Trinity in its state of being apart from God's relation to the world. 

#32 What is Modalism/Sabellianism?

A Trinitarian heresy first associated with the third-century theologian Sabellius, according to whom God is a single person who presents himself as three different "modes", the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

#30 What is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?

Based on the context, blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is to attribute the work of the Holy Spirit in bringing about the promised Kingdom of God to the worldly kingdom of Satan (Matt 12:22-32; Mark 3:22-30).

#28 Define Religious Pluralism

According to John Hick, all religions are true in themselves as they point to a higher reality. 

#26 What is free will?

In basic philosophical terms, free will is the freedom to choose A or not A. 

#24 What is cheap grace?

Accepting the benefits of God's generosity while intentionally placing one's own interest over and above God. 

#22 What is the Sabbath about?

To set apart time to cease from work and acknowledge God as Creator, Sustainer, and Redeemer. It is not merely resting from exhaustive work. 

#20 What is evil?

Evil is a privation of goodness. Think of the relationship between cold and heat, or darkness and light. 

#18 Is it biblical to engage in debate?

Yes. Paul argued and debated with Jews and Greeks regarding the truth of Christ (Acts 17-18). However, it must always be done with gentleness and respect (1 Pet 3:15).

#16 Do Christians, Muslims and Jews worship the same God?

No. Christians believe God is triune, while Muslims and Jews believe God is a single person.

#14 Is the Old Testament Law obsolete?

No. While we are no longer under the law, it does help instruct us. 

#12 How do we know that Christianity is true?

The inner witness of the Holy Spirit (Jn 14:26; 15:26; 16:13).

#10 Does God love sinners?

Yes. God loves the world despite its wickedness (Jn 3:16; Rom 5:8)

#8 What is apologetics?

It is the discipline of providing rational warrant for a particular view.

#6 What is Atheism?

Atheism is the belief that God does not exist.

#4 What is Monotheism?

The belief that only one God exists. Islam, Judaism, and Christianity are the main monotheistic religions.

#2 What is Theism?

The belief that God(s) exists.

#53 Centripetal versus Centrifugal Mission

The mission of Israel in the OT is centripetal: the nations were to come to Israel to seek YHWH. Conversely, the mission of the church in the NT is mainly centrifugal: the church is called to go out to the nations. 

#51 Does God have a gender?

Of course not. God is an immaterial being and is therefore neither male nor female. 

#49 How can we define truth?

The most widespread view is known as the Correspondence Theory of Truth, according to which a statement is true if what it refers to actually corresponds to reality -- if it is how the world really is. 

#47 What is the objective standard of morality according to Christianity?

At the most fundamental level, God is the objective standard of morality. Moral goodness is always consistent with God's character. 

#45 Do miracles contradict science?

No. Science is the study of the natural order of the physical world. Miracles are supernatural interventions upon the naturally-ordered physical world. These are two different categories. 

#43 Creationism vs Traducianism

Creationism is the view that every human soul is specially created by God and joined to each respective human body.

Traducianism is the view that the human soul is generated out of the process of sexual reproduction. 

#41 Define Exegesis

The discipline of extracting the truth of a biblical text by utilizing hermeneutical principles.

#39 Does Genesis teach six literal twenty-four-hour days?

It's possible. It depends on which literary genre is correct.

#37 ... Who are the Elect?

Rather than saying the elect are individuals who have been selected for salvation, the biblical view is that the elect are those who are in Christ.

#35 Define the Economic Trinity

The economic or functional Trinity is a purely intellectual distinction that articulates the Trinity according to the unique roles of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in the plan for salvation.

#33 Is it possible to turn away from God in heaven?

No. According to 1 John 3:2, Christ will completely transform us into His likeness, having a full loving relationship with God. Because of which, we will never desire to turn away. 

#31 Who created God?

According to the classical conception, God is an eternal, self-existent, necessary being. Therefore, God is not created being.  

#29 What is the Doctrine of the Trinity?

God has eternally existed as one being or substance and three coequal divine persons, known as the Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

#27 Does Christian philosophy undermine the authority of Scripture?

It can, but when employed rightly, philosophy provides clarity for certain biblical teachings by advancing helpful terminology and conceptual analysis. Philosophy complements while not overruling Scripture when used properly. 

#25 What is grace?

Grace is an unmerited gift or favor. God's grace is freely given rather than duly earned.

#23 What is faith?

In the simplest sense, faith is believing and trusting in something for good reason. 

#21 How can finite sin be worthy of eternal punishment?

(1) Those who reject Christ will repeat sin throughout eternity and thus incur an infinite penalty. 

(2) Sin is committed against a morally perfect God and is therefore held in infinite moral contempt.

#19 Does Genesis reject evolution?

No. Genesis does not teach about evolution.

#17 Is God timeless or temporal?

The Bible doesn't give a clear answer. However, it's safe to conclude that God transcends time in some manner.

#15 Is the prosperity gospel heretical?

Yes. It preaches a message antithetical to the teachings of Jesus. 

#13 Do rational arguments undermine the work of the Holy Spirit?

No. The Holy Spirit may use arguments to help persuade an unbeliever. 

#11 Is temptation sinful?

No. Temptation becomes sinful when it is surrendered to. For Jesus was tempted in every way and yet did not sin (Heb 4:15).

#9 Can we believe in God without arguments?

Yes. The majority of people do not require rational arguments before believing in God.

#7 What is agnosticism?

Agnosticism neither claims that God exists nor claims that God does not exist; an agnostic simply withholds an affirmation or rejection of theism. 

#5 What is Polytheism?

The belief in many gods. For instance, Hinduism and Pagan religions.

#3 What is Deism?

Deism is a subcategory of Theism that claims God exists as a distant, impersonal creator.

#1 Is there evidence for Christianity?

Yes. There are theological, philosophical, scientific, and historical arguments for Christianity.

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