Christian A. MeisterMar 15ApologeticsIs Atheism the Default Position?Those who answer this question in the affirmative do so by holding to an incorrect, or at least a very weak, definition of atheism....
Christian A. MeisterMar 8ApologeticsThe Worst Argument for AtheismOver the years I have heard plenty of arguments for atheism, many of which are quite underwhelming, but this one seems to be the worst:...
Christian A. MeisterFeb 29PhilosophyWhy is Philosophy Important for Christians Today?Philosophy may seem unnecessary or even contradictory to Scripture. Paul warns against ‘hollow and deceptive philosophy’ (Col 2:8)....
Christian A. MeisterFeb 27Apologetics"Should Apologists Assume the Inspiration of Scripture?"Dr. William Lane Craig recently posted a short clip responding to the question, “should apologists assume the inspiration of Scripture?”...
Christian A. MeisterFeb 19ApologeticsThe Straw Man FallacyPhilosophers refer to fallacies as arguments that may initially appear correct but upon further examination suffer from some form of...
Christian A. MeisterDec 8, 2023ApologeticsDo Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence?Must we have extraordinary evidence in order to warrant belief in any extremely unlikely event? If we do, then we are in trouble!