Christian A. MeisterDec 11, 2023TheologyUsing Analogies for the Trinity (Or Not)Analogies typically resonate well with lay audiences because they present a visual representation of the complex philosophical conclusions.
Christian A. MeisterDec 8, 2023ApologeticsDo Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence?Must we have extraordinary evidence in order to warrant belief in any extremely unlikely event? If we do, then we are in trouble!
Christian A. MeisterDec 4, 2023ApologeticsConstructing an Apologetic Case from the Historicity of the Resurrection of Jesus:My concern in this essay is not what is the best case for Christian theism, but how best to go about presenting the evidence for it.
Christian A. MeisterNov 23, 2023ApologeticsSuffering as a Stumbling Block to FaithFor those who find themselves disbelieving in God because of either the suffering they have endured or suffering they have witnessed.
Christian A. MeisterNov 21, 2023ApologeticsAre Christians Intolerant?Mainstream culture requires Christians to believe that Christ is a truth rather than the truth lest they be intolerant—that is, immoral.